Global power and resistance

An introductive video seriesTo speak of feminist economics is not simply to give a surname to something as orthodox as classic economic studies. Feminist economics re-think traditional analyses and include in them all those invisible activities that are nevertheless indispensable for life to exist and for society to function. Activities that, traditionally, have been taken care of by women's hands. Feminist economics not only observe, but also proposes political action around this idea. In this series of videos, we will look at different aspects of feminist economics based...
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Casting off the Chains of Unfair Trade

Jan Schneider & Nikolai Schnarrenberger (Careco Research Collective)
A Call for Sustainable Alternatives to the EU-ASEAN Trade Regime This report explores the effects of existing trade agreements between ASEAN and EU states, takes a look at possible effects induced by potential developments of these trade agreements, and discusses alternatives to their approach to organizing ASEAN and EU trade relations. We seek to offer an understanding of the positions of the various layers and the general mechanisms behind historical and present developments around the emergence of a free trade regime leading us to FTA negotiations ...
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Looking at the Proposed Free Trade Agreement between India and the European UnionAbout the publication Since 2007, India and the European Union (EU) have engaged in active negotiations on an ambitious and comprehensive Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA), or a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in generic terms, that includes tariff removal on goods, liberalisation of services, investment, and government procurement among many other issues. The negotiations had seen an impasse since 2013 after the relative reluctance of the newly elected Indian ...
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New publication from ENAAT now available in 7 languagesIn 2017, the EU approved the funding of military research and the development of new arms and technologies, breaking the red line that the EU should not fund military activities with the community budget. Over half a billion Euros went to military research and development (R&D) through two precursor programmes: the Preparatory Action for Defence Research (PADR), which funds joint military research projects, and the European Defence Industrial Development Program (EDIDP), which ...
read more "How the EU is funding arms dealers and corrupt corporations"
Transdisciplinary International Conference: The Future of Trade in a Polarized World OrderWith the conference “Future of trade in a polarized world order” we want to bring a variety of disciplines and stakeholders together whom we invite to participate in our call for contributions of either research or discussion papers.   I. Motivation and Objectives Neoliberal globalization is in deep crisis. After more than 30 years, with its emphasis on the progressive liberalization of international trade, investment and financial flows, this political paradigm might ...
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European ambitions towards closer cooperation within the Common Security and Defence Policy have been given a boost in the wake of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, while the reaction to the war was described in Germany as a ‘turning point’, the effects of which are still hard to predict. The announcement by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Social Democratic Party of Germany, SPD) of a special fund of 100 billion euros for the Bundeswehr has already brought with it a massive shift in the Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. The general trend...
read more "Opposing the militarisation of the EU"
Those who need a compass have usually lost their bearings before – and this is certainly true of the European Union (EU) and its Common Foreign and Security Policy. At least this is what a new basic document puts forward, with which the European Union more or less openly admits to having operated at various levels and for many years with strategies and concepts that had no “reasonable” relation to one another. The “Strategic Compass”1 (SC) adopted at the EU summit on 25 March 2022 is intended to provide an explanation ...
read more "A Strategic Compass for Europe’s Return to Power Politics"

Beyond Policing

Hilary A. Moore
A handbook for community-led solutions to the violence of policing in Western EuropeAbout the book Police violence is not a new phenomenon. Protest in reaction to that violence is, similarly, nothing new. The 2020 uprisings, when millions around the world rose up against the violence of policing, were only the most recent manifestation of resistance. Unsurprisingly, responses to the police killing of George Floyd varied: as mainstream media selectively foregrounded “friendlier” versions of policing in Europe, some activists tore at the roots of institutional racism in the...
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Within the European Union, Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of 8 December 2008 defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment is based on criteria that are intended to assess the countries of destination for the respective arms based on respect for human rights and international law, conflict prevention, democracy, regional stability and peace-keeping. As a rule, these considerations take precedence over the economic and industrial arguments that arms-exporting Member ...
read more "Arms Production and Employment: Discourse, Scale and Methodological Challenges"
Lessons for collective action from the fight for the right to housingHow should we welcome people at assemblies? How should an assembly-based, decentralized movement be organized? How can we carry out non-violent direct action? How should we negotiate with others? How can we change narratives and perceptions? How can we harness the power of the streets? Many move­ments answer these questions over time through trial and error, but PAH aims to contribute to the debate by reflecting on its own experiences and presenting them in this manual. We take a step back and analyze the ...
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