Gloves on a clothes line
Jannis Große / Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

Social-ecological transformation

The current economic system is in an acute crisis, which is being reflected in all aspects of the society in Europe and globally. A transition of the economic system is a possible solution for exiting the multiple crises. The socio-ecological dimension is the starting point for this transition. Questions of a just energy production, distribution and administration, of the efficiency of financialisation of concepts such as “natur” or services and of a clean and sustainable energy are being focused on. We are talking about a resource and environmental friendly generation of energy and raw materials. We are also talking about a democratic and inclusive administration of energy and industry. And we are of course talking about sustainability and fairness in distribution: jobs, basic living services and quality of life are of one making. Our publications and events in this section focus on this transition.

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The international conference on industrial policies and workers’ rights in the twin ecological and digital transition, held on 10 January in Milan, provided a crucial space for political and strategic discussion among trade unions and workers representatives. Organised by ... read more "Industrial Policy and Workers’ Rights in the Twin Transition: A Call to Action"
santajens-640x360 Kristin Svorte, Dagbladet
“Pay up, or humanity will pay the price”. With the arrival of Donald Trump in the White House in January, that key message from UN General Secretary António Guterres was seen as even more urgent at this year’s Climate Summit, which ended in dismay at wealthy nations’ inability to commit sufficient ... read more "Bad Santa? How Norway can provide real climate jobs"
***An Italian and French version of the report can be found at the bottom of the page***   The "Steel is the future" conference took place on 13 April 2024 in Salzgitter (Information Centre of Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH)** Here you can find the conference programme. Opening In his opening speech, Heinz ... read more "”Steel is the future”"
A poster of Ada Colau’s campaign for Barcelona’s municipal election in May 2023 IMAGO / ZUMA Wire
The local and regional (autonomous community) elections of May 2023 marked a shift to the right across most of the Spanish state. Barcelona was no exception: the intense mobilization of the richest neighbourhoods and the electoral stagnation of Barcelona en Comú, the party with which Ada Colau had governed the ... read more "Eight years of political change in Barcelona"
We hear it regularly: the story that Denmark is a frontrunner in the green transition. But many facts tell another story. Looking at the small Scandinavian nation from the agricultural, industrial, fisheries or biomass point of view, the overall picture is not exactly green. Instead, we see a country that has ... read more "Denmark: the pig empire with the ruined sea"
Event Report Friday, 1 December 2023 from 5 pm to 6.30 pm (Brussels, Berlin, Amsterdam) Speakers: Daniel Santini (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Sao Paulo, Brazil), Cristiane Costa Goncalves (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, engineer, Brazil), Conor Farrell (Urban ... read more "Public Panel Discussion: Free Public Transport / Zero Fare – New Alliances Possible?"
Mobility is a basic human need. Over the last 100 years, the automobile has revolutionised the transport of people and goods. The automotive industry is a core industrial sector employing millions of people in Germany, Europe and the world. The trade unions in the metal sector are strong and powerful ... read more "The Transformation of the Global Automotive Industry"
Groups fighting for energy democracy at all levels of society are leading resistance and remedies towards a better future. Profit-driven energy models have escalated the climate crisis, failed to decarbonise our energy systems, and do not provide universal access to clean, affordable energy. We need to unite globally ... read more "Energy Democracy Movement Declaration"